Traumatic Cleavage of the Chamber Angle

Introduction The pathology of tears into the face of the ciliary body after blunt trauma to the eye has been well described in the past.1-3 Treacher Collins in 1892 described the micropathology as a "split into the ciliary muscle in its entire circumference, so that the angle of the anterior chamber was prolonged outwards." (See Fig. 1 from Treacher Collins, 1892.) Wolff and Zimmerman4 have recently described an association of this postcontusion deformity of the chamber angle with an ipsilateral chronic glaucoma of insidious onset long after the injury. It is the purpose of this report to describe eight cases of blunt trauma which gonioscopically present tears into the face of the ciliary body manifest by a widening and deepening of the peripheral anterior chamber with backward displacement of the iris and the appearance of a characteristic cleft or recess. Case 1. —This 53-year-old Caucasian public health