Nuclear Matrix Elements in Beta Decay

By using the jj coupling model, all the β-decay nuclear matrix elements are calculated (in terms of radial integrals) for one- and two-nucleon configurations. The operators in terms of which one can describe the entire theory are of five types. Three of these, involving the nucleon momentum operator, replace the operators which, in the conventional representation of the theory, appeared as odd Dirac operators. The operators in the present representation, which is most naturally expressed in terms of spherical notation and angular momentum eigenfunctions are explicitly related to those which appeared in the older notation as cartesian tensor components. The results for both one- and two-nucleon configurations are expressed in terms of reduced matrix elements which, in turn, can be written in terms of Racah coefficients and other coefficients derived from them. All these coefficients, and thereby the reduced matrix elements, can be written in terms of comparatively simple algebraic formulas which cover all cases of interest. A brief discussion of the implications of these results for spectral shapes and comparative half-lives is given.