Within recent years several careful studies have been made of the effects of feeding different ductless gland substances. So far as we are aware, however, the suprarenal has received little attention. The matter seemed worthy of investigation for two reasons : Suprarenal gland substance is still on trial in practical therapeutics. Although many observers have been unable to detect in it significant therapeutic virtues, others claim more fortunate results. Williams,1 for example, values it highly in the treatment of so-called neurasthenia, which he maintains is frequently a form of adrenal deficiency. In a case of impotency in the male, Belfield2 has reported striking improvement following the use of desiccated suprarenal substance. It seemed desirable, therefore, to see if any definite objective evidence could be obtained that suprarenal substance when given by mouth has any specific effect in the body. As further basis for the research there is on