Optimized free surface of liquidHe4in hypernetted-chain approximation

Within the hypernetted-chain approximation, coupled Euler equations are derived for the radial distribution function and the surface profile of liquid He4 at zero temperature and fixed chemical potential. For the solution a reliable method based on the local-density approximation is developed. It is found that the Euler equation for ρ has a solution only in the region where the bulk pressure is positive and the chemical potential negative. At the saturation point (ρsat=0.0175 Å3 and EsatN=5.2 K) of our model consisting of the Lennard-Jones potential with de Boer—Michels parameters, we obtain the surface energy Es=0.17 K/Å2 and the monotonically decreasing surface profile with diffusivity of 6 Å based on (10-90%) criteria.