Study ofKe4Decays

It is assumed that the Kπ+π+e+ν process has a Born term dominated by K* exchange. By assuming a "nearly conserved" axial current we obtain a Goldberger-Treiman-type relation by which the Ke4 amplitude is related to the K* width and Kμ+ν amplitude. This is used to determine the left-hand cut for a set of partial-wave dispersion relations. With the assumption of elastic unitarity for pion-pion scattering, integral equations of the Muskhelishvili-Omnès type are obtained, which are then solved using various assumed forms for the pion-pion T=0 interaction. The effect of the ρ resonance is included in the T=1 P-wave amplitude. We obtain agreement with the experimental rate for Ke4+ decay when the S-wave pion-pion interaction is described by a scattering-length approximation with a scattering length of α0=(1±0.3) pion Compton wavelengths. With this value of α0, the two-pion invariant mass distribution is in good agreement with experiment, and the total P-wave contribution to the total rate is predicted to be 18%. If a σ meson (T=0, S-wave resonance at 400 MeV) is assumed to dominate the S-wave pion-pion interaction, the calculated rate becomes larger than the experimental one by two orders of magnitude. The possibility of T violation is discussed.

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