Ascitic Fluid Infusion

INTRAVENOUS INFUSION of autogenous ascitic fluid in the treatment of cirrhotic ascites was first employed in 1911 by Gallup.1Since that time it has been utilized to a limited extent by several investigators. Renewed interest during the past few years has been evidenced by Britton,2and Yamahiro and Reynolds.3The concept of prolonged continuous and simultaneous paracentesis and intravenous infusion of unmodified autogenous ascitic fluid was introduced by one of us in 1961.4This procedure combines the benefits of abdominal paracentesis with restoration of the blood volume towards normal, and conservation of electrolytes and serum proteins. The purpose of this paper is to describe the use of a disposable plastic apparatus which was recently developed for this procedure. The simplicity of the procedure should allow its use in any hospital. Apparatus The apparatus consists of a plastic bag with a capacity of approximately 500 ml, a