FIBROSARCOMA of the larynx probably represents less than 1% of the total malignant neoplasms in this area. Lymph node metastases are rare, though there is usually local invasion of the perilymphatics. Figi,1 in 1933 reported two cases of sarcoma and two cases of fibrosarcoma. Rigby and Holinger,2 in 1943, reported a case of fibrosarcoma in an infant with a fatal outcome. Tucker,3 in 1935, found only one case of sarcoma. Miller,4 in 1950, reported fibrosarcoma in a 6-year-old child, in whom a total laryngectomy appeared to have eradicated growth of the tumor. Lachman5 reported from Israel one case of fibrosarcoma and one of lymphosarcoma, both without recurrence after laryngofissure in one and hemilaryngectomy in the other. Sirota and Hurwitz6 most recently (September, 1952) reported a chondrosarcoma of the larynx in a 62-year-old man, apparently arrested after a total laryngectomy. The following case is reported