Nuclear Alignment ofCo58

By using a two-stage adiabatic demagnetization technique, Co58 nuclei were aligned in single crystals of (22.7% Cu 77.3% Zn) K2(SO4)2·6H2O containing a trace of cobalt. Both the 0.805-Mev and 1.6-Mev gamma rays were measured at three angles as a function of the paramagnetic susceptibility. The 1.6-Mev gamma ray was determined to be quadrupole. A parameter λ related to the mixture of Fermi and Gamow-Teller interactions in the allowed beta decay was determined to be 0.11±0.04 in the transition to the 0.805-Mev level in Fe58 and 0.45±0.11 in the transition to the 1.6-Mev level. By using the 0.805-Mev counting rate as a thermometer, the paramagnetic susceptibility was determined as a function of the absolute temperature and fitted to the formula χ(T)=(cT)F(T)hfs(1+ΔT+εT2). The data indicate an antiferromagnetic interaction between copper ions, in disagreement with previous work.