Subdural strip electrodes for localizing epileptogenic foci

Surgical removal of epileptogenic brain is indicated for treatment of many medically refractory focal seizure disorders. One of the important factors in providing good results from surgery is the accuracy of identifying the epileptogenic focus. However, accurate localization may be difficult when only standard scalp recordings are used. Many epilepsy centers have used intracranial recording techniques to better define regions of cortical epileptogenicity . Although subdural strip electrodes were first utilized many years ago, the more popular method of intracranial recording has been by intracortical depth electrodes. The authors present their method of placing subdural strip electrodes for extensive recordings from the cortex. To date, this method has been used to provide continuous monitoring of the electrocorticogram in 28 patients for periods up to 3 weeks, with only two minor complications. This procedure is relatively safe and a valuable alternative to placing intracortical depth electrodes.