Three years ago when I was discussing certain Carboniferous Corals from Arctic regions the opinion was expressed that the genus Lophophyllum of Milne-Edwards & Haime had been erroneously interpreted by palæontologists, and that in reality it included Thomson and Nicholson's well-known genus Koninckophyllum The main object of the present communication is to substantiate this view with illustrative sections from topotypes, accompanied by some further observations on the genus. At the same time the opportunity is taken to deal with several points in the morphology of the similar genus Cyathaxonia; in the latter case the work is in the nature of a preliminary note rather than of a formal revision. Pending the appearance of a general memoir on the British Carboniferous Corals, it seems desirable that these notes should be published without further delay, as all these genera are commonly met with in zonal work. Most of the material has come either from the Geological Survey Collection or is in my own possession, but Dr. Vaughan has always been very helpful, while I have to thank Dr. T. F. Sibly for some unusually fine examples of Cyathaxonia from Matlock. Other specimens of this genus, from Yorkshire, have very kindly been sent to me from time to time by Dr. A. Wilmore, often at some personal inconvenience.