Particle statistics from induced representations of a local current group

Representations of the nonrelativistic current group S‐K are studied in the Gel’fand–Vilenkin formalism, where S is Schwartz’ space of rapidly decreasing functions, and K is a group of diffeomorphisms of Rs. For the case of N identical particles, information about particle statistics is contained in a representation of KF (the stability group of a point F∈S′) which factors through the permutation group SN. Starting from a quasi‐invariant measure μ concentrated on a K orbit Δ in S′, together with a suitable representation of KF for F∈Δ, sufficient conditions are developed for inducing a representation of S‐K. The Hilbert space for the induced representation consists of square‐integrable functions on a covering space of Δ, which transform in accordance with a representation of KF. The Bose and Fermi N‐particle representations (on spaces of symmetric or antisymmetric wave functions) are recovered as induced representations. Under the conditions which are assumed, the following results hold: (1) A representation of S‐K determines a well‐defined representation of KF; (2) equivalent representations of S‐K determine equivalent representations of KF; (3) a representation of KF induces a representation of S‐K; and (4) equivalent representations of KF determine equivalent induced representations.