Dried Whey Products in Drylot Rations for Weanling Pigs

Three experiments are reported in which 136 young pigs were self-fed in drylot. The value of 5% sun-cured alfalfa meal, 4% dried whey product, 8% dried whey product and 4% fortified dried whey by-product as water-soluble vitamin supplements to a ration composed largely of corn and soybean meal is indicated. The addition of 4 % sardine condensed fish solubles or 4% dried whey product to a ration containing 5% sun-cured alfalfa meal did not improve the growth rate of weanling pigs. The above levels of whey products induced a somewhat laxative condition in the pigs. In experiment 2, lactose was found to be a constituent of dried whey which contributed to the laxative condition. In all tests it was observed that the laxativeness was not detrimental to the rate or economy of gains. Pigs fed rations containing 1.1% or 1.7% lactose for 28 days scoured less than those fed rations containing 2.4% lactose.