InverseαDecay via the ReactionPb208(O16,C12)Po212

We have measured the reaction Pb208(O16, C12)Po212 at EO16=93 MeV; the peak cross sections leading to the ground and first excited states of Po212 are 750 and 1750 nb/sr, respectively. The reaction mechanism appears to be direct and excellent distorted-wave Born-approximation fits to the data yield a spectroscopic ratio of S(0.727 MeV, 2+)S(g.s.)=0.64±0.13 in good agreement with the value 0.61±0.24 derived from Po212 α decay. Preliminary attempts at obtaining absolute α widths yield γα2(Po212(g.s.))1.4 keV from both α decay and the transfer reaction.