Intracellular pH controls cell membrane Na+ and K+ conductances and transport in frog skin epithelium.

We determined the effects of intracellular respiratory and metabolic acid or alkali loads, at constant or variable external pH, on the apical membrane Na+-specific conductance (ga) and basolateral membrane conductance (gb), principally due to K+, in the short-circuited isolated frog skin epithelium. Conductances were determined from the current-voltage relations of the amiloride-inhibitable cellular current pathway, and intracellular pH (pHi) was measured using double barreled H+-sensitive microelectrodes. The experimental set up permitted simultaneous recording of conductances and pHi from the same epithelial cell. We found that due to the asymmetric permeability properties of apical and basolateral cell membranes to HCO3- and NH+4, the direction of the variations in pHi was dependent on the side of addition of the acid or alkali load. Specifically, changing from control Ringer, gassed in air without HCO3- (pHo = 7.4), to one containing 25 mmol/liter HCO3- that was gassed in 5% CO2 (pHo = 7.4) on the apical side caused a rapid intracellular acidification whereas when this maneuver was performed from the basolateral side of the epithelium a slight intracellular alkalinization was produced. The addition of 15 mmol/liter NH4Cl to control Ringer on the apical side caused an immediate intracellular alkalinization that lasted up to 30 min; subsequent removal of NH4Cl resulted in a reversible fall in pHi, whereas basolateral addition of NH4Cl produced a prolonged intracellular acidosis. Using these maneouvres to change pHi we found that the transepithelial Na+ transport rate (Isc), and ga, and gb were increased by an intracellular alkalinization and decreased by an acid shift in pHi. These variations in Isc, ga, and gb with changing pHi occurred simultaneously, instantaneously, and in parallel even upon small perturbations of pHi (range, 7.1-7.4). Taken together these results indicate that pHi may act as an intrinsic regulator of epithelial ion transport.