Event-Locked Time-Resolved Fourier Spectroscopy

A low-cost method of adding time-resolving capability to commercial Fourier transform spectrometers with a continuously scanning Michelson interferometer has been developed. This method is specifically designed to eliminate noise and artifacts caused by mirror-speed variations in the interferometer. The method exists of two parts: (1) a novel timing scheme for synchronizing the transient events under study and the digitizing of the interferogram and (2) a mathematical algorithm for extracting the spectral information from the recorded data. The novel timing scheme is a modification of the well-known interleaved, or stroboscopic, method. It achieves the same timing accuracy, signal-to-noise ratio, and freedom from artifacts as step-scan time-resolving Fourier spectrometers by locking the sampling of the interferogram to a stable time base rather than to the occurrences of the HeNe fringes. The necessary pathlength-difference information at which samples are taken is obtained from a record of the mirror speed. The resulting interferograms with uneven pathlength-difference spacings are transformed into wavenumber space by least-squares fits of periodic functions. Spectra from the far-infrared to the upper visible at resolutions up to 0.2 cm−1 are used to demonstrate the utility of this method.