Prostaglandin (PGEi or PGE2), 10-5,000 ng/min, was infused directly into the right renal artery of anesthetized anti-diuretic dogs. There occurred no changes in mean or pulsatile arterial pressure, heart rate, or plasma Na. Left renal function did not change. In the right kidney, there occurred significant increases in urine flow, Na excretion, and total renal plasma flow. Para amino-hippuric acid extraction ratio was significantly reduced; glomerular filtration rate did not change. Threshold dose for these responses was approximately 20 ng/min. Increased Na excretion always occurred, but was highly variable both in magnitude and dose-response pattern. It was not dependent upon nor did it correlate with the changes in renal plasma flow. Prostaglandin produced no detectable effect on renin release. Prostaglandin may play a normal physiological role within the kidney.