Since 1974 several Electric Power Research Institute research programs have produced a sizable amount of tensile, Charpy V-notch, Nil Ductility, Transition Temperature, precracked Charpy, and large specimen fracture toughness (both static and dynamic, K ranging from 3 to 3 x 10/sup 5/ MN-m/sup -3/2//s) results for over 60 different heats of nuclear pressure vessel materials. These heats include 7 different base metals and 25 weldments. Data have been obtained in the temperature range of -200 to 300/sup 0/C; elastic and elastic--plastic fracture mechanics have been utilized to determine initiation fracture toughness values even for the upper shelf. These data have been collected in a computer data base which also includes heat descriptions, manufacturing and fabrication information, chemistry, temperature-dependent regression analyses (tensile, Charpy, and precracked Charpy), and regression statistics. All entries in the data base are unambiguously identified by a set of codes termed keywords. The computer data base is presented for each material type, and all pertinent data are shown in both a graphical and tabular form. The main text of the report describes the data base and provides detailed explanations and examples of the tables and graphics. Seven appendices present the data on a heat-by-heat basis.