All diagnosed schizophrenics first admitted to Danish psychiatric institutions at least once during 1972 to September 1983 (310 males and 277 females) are follow up. The incidence of schizophrenics diagnosed at their first admission is 7.8 males and 3.4 females/100,000 inhabitants and when those diagnosed as schizophrenics only at a later admission are included the incidence is 15.0 and 8.7 respectively. The number of in-patient days is highest in the first year and stabilizes at a lower level in the last 7 to 8 years of the follow-up. The patients spent proportionately more days in mental hospitals than in psychiatric departments in general hospitals. Hebephrenic schizophrenics predominate in mental hospitals. Schizophrenics diagnosed during their first admission spent 19.5% of the 10-year follow-up period in institutions, while schizophrenics diagnosed during a later admission spent 17.4% (NS). Males spent 19.7% of the 10-year follow-up period in institutions, females 16.0% (P < 0.05).