Craig, A. J. F. K. 1974. Reproductive behaviour of the male Red Bishop Bird. Ostrich 45:149-160. Male Red Bishop Birds Euplectes orix show territorial behaviour while in nuptial plumage. Territory-holders drive off other conspecifics in Chases or by means of Threats. Bouts of threatening between neighbouring males are common; FightsMayoccur. Relations with other species on the territory are described. Territories in this study averaged 8 m2 of reeds, where nests are built and potential mates are courted. No feeding is done on the territory. Three calls termed Chipping, Rattling and Sizzling form a large part of the male's activity. Chipping is the alarm call, while Rattling and SizzlingMaybe important in mate attraction. In courtship the male makes a characteristic flying approach, a Bumble-flight, followed by the perched Swivelling display. The copulation approach is similar in form. Any bird in non-breeding plumageMaybe courted, since no response from the partner seems to be necessary.