In field studies from 1978 to 1980, the relationship between Homoeosoma electellum (Hulst) oviposition and flowering of sunflower was studied in Kansas. Oviposition was greatest on sunflower heads exposed from 2 to 4 days after inflorescences began 10 open. Also, 84 to 90% of the eggs were deposited by the end of the seventh day after inflorescences began to open. Five insecticides, applied at 30% bloom and 5 days later, were evaluated in 1982 for control of H. electellum larvae infesting sunflower heads. All insecticides significantly reduced numbers of larvae compared with the untreated check. Permethrin, carbofuran, acephate, and methidathion provided the best control. Ethyl parathion was significantly less effective than the other insecticides at the rates tested.