Computer Analysis of the Leaf Movements of Pinto Beans

Computer analysis was used for the detection of rhythmic components and the estimation of period length in leaf movement records. The results of this study indicated that spectral analysis can be profitably used to determine rhythmic components in leaf movements.In Pinto bean plants (Phaseolus vulgaris L.) grown for 28 days under continuous light of 750 ft-c and at a constant temperature of 28 degrees , there was only 1 highly significant rhythmic component in the leaf movements. The period of this rhythm was 27.3 hr. In plants grown at 20 degrees , there were 2 highly significant rhythmic components: 1 of 13.8 hr and a much stronger 1 of 27.3 hr. At 15 degrees , the highly significant rhythmic components were also 27.3 and 13.8 hr in length but were of equal intensity. Random movements less than 9 hr in length became very pronounced at this temperature. At 10 degrees , no significant rhythm was found in the leaf movements. At 5 degrees , the leaf movements ceased within 1 day.