Collagen synthesis and carbohydrate metabolism of rachitic bone

1. This paper reports studies on the metabolism of bone from normal chicks and from chicks with vitamin D-deficiency rickets. Both in vitro and in vivo there was an increased incorporation of [14C]proline into collagen hydroxyproline by rachitic bone. The proportion of the collagen that was soluble in cold salt solutions was greater with the rachitic bone. These results show that in rickets there is an increased synthesis of bone collagen, but they do not provide any evidence of a defect in the maturation of collagen. 2. Rachitic bone incubated aerobically in vitro consumed more glucose and released more lactate than normal bone. Bone from rachitic chicks treated with vitamin D 48hr. previously had rates of glycolysis that were nearly normal. Though we were unable to show any direct action of vitamin D in vitro, we consider that vitamin D probably has a direct action on bone, possibly related to matrix biosynthesis.