Cardiopulmonary sympathetic afferent nerves may affect renal control of intravascular volume by influencing renal sympathetic nerve activity. This influence was evaluated in alpha-chloralose anesthetized, vagotomized, sino-aortic denervated cats. When the afferent nerves were activated with a single electrical stimulus, the renal nerve responded with an excitatory burst of activity followed by a long period of inhibition. This response had characteristics of a supraspinal reflex. Repetitive stimulation of the sympathetic afferent nerve either inhibited or excited renal nerves and increased or decreased systemic blood pressure. The direction of these changes depended on stimulus parameters. No obligatory correlation in the direction of change of nerve activity and blood pressure was observed. Activation of cardiopulmonary sympathetic afferent nerves by intravascular volume expansion inhibited renal nerve discharge. Inhibition was elminated by sectioning the sympathetic afferent nerves. Volume expansion had no effect on lumbar sympathetic discharge monitored simultaneously with renal nerve activity. This observation suggests specificity of reflex influences of these afferent nerves on the kidney. In conclusion, cardiopulmonary sympathetic afferent nerves can reflexly alter renal nerve activity, and therefore may affect renal control of intravascular volume.