The estimation of vitamin B1 in blood

Corrections for the adjuvant action of blood were made, thereby translating the apparent values obtained by Meiklejohn''s method into true values. The method then estimates more accurately the total vitamin B1 (i.e., both phosphorylated vit. and cocarboxylase) in the blood. Samples of 2 ml. oxalated blood are the most satisfactory, and the test can be performed in duplicate with 8 ml. Assays of vit. B1 in blood or serum either with Meiklejohn''s method or Jansen''s thiochrome method were reviewed, their results summarized and briefly criticized. The total vit. B1 was assayed in the blood of 73 healthy adults. The values ranged from 5.5 to 10.5 [mu]g./100 ml. with a mean [plus or minus]r) of 7.4 [plus or minus]1.4. A value of 4.5 or less is significantly low.