Ultrasonic Degradation of DNA

Different results are obtained when DNA in aqueous solution and DNA in biological tissue are exposed to ultrasound. At intensities of ultrasound comparable to those applied clinically, ultrasonication is able to degrade purified DNA in aqueous solution, making ultrasonication a useful tool for preparing DNA fragments in vitro. Ultrasonic degradation of DNA in solution occurs by breaking hydrogen bonds and by single-strand and double-strand ruptures of the DNA helix. Two mechanisms are mainly responsible: cavitation and a thermal or mechanical effect. Stable cavitation is seen at low intensities of ultrasound. Increasing the intensity of the ultrasound above 2 W/cm2 is followed by increases in single-strand ruptures due to the creation of free radicals by transient cavitation. Following sonication, the distribution of the resulting DNA fragments approaches a lower size limit of 100–500 bp. Breaks in the DNA helix occur mainly between oxygen and carbon atoms, resulting in DNA fragments with a phosphorylated 5′ end and a free alcohol at the 3′ end. The relative lack of specificity in degrading the DNA helix makes ultrasonication a complementary alternative to the highly specific fragmentation obtained by restriction endonucleases.