Nonspecific Immunostimulation with Low Doses of Cyclophosphamide (LDCY), Thymostimulin, and Echinacea Purpurea Extracts (Echinacin) in Patients with Far Advanced Colorectal Cancers: Preliminary Results

Outpatients (n = 15) with metastasizing far advanced colorectal cancers received immunotherapy consisting of low-dose cyclophosphamide (LDCY) 300 mg/m2 every 28 days i.v., thymostimulin 30 mg/m2, days 3-10 after low-dose cyclophosphamide i.m. once daily, then twice a week, and echinacin 60 mg/m2 together with thymostimulin i.m. All patients had had previous surgery and/or chemotherapy and had progressive disease upon entering the study. Two months after onset of therapy a partial tumor regression was documented in one and a stable disease in 6 other patients by abdominal ultrasonography, decrease of the tumor markers carcinoem-bryonic antigen (CEA), CA 19-9, CA 15-3, and/or chest roentgenography, which may also be attributed to the natural course of disease. Mean survival time was 4 months, 2 patients survived for more than 8 months. Immunotherapy was well tolerated by all patients without side effects.