The rate of removal of sodium monofluoroacetate (“1080”) from chopped carrot treated with the poison at the rate of 1/2 lb or 1 lb per ton and then exposed to weather has been studied. The rainfall pattern is an important factor in the weathering of poisoned rabbit baits but it is not possible to lay down specific rules about the time that domestic stock should be kept off recently-poisoned areas. The trials showed that the baits became harmless to stock more quickly when the carrot was cut thin and when the amount of “1080” recommended by this Centre for rabbits, i.e., 1/2 lb per ton of carrot, was not exceeded. When opossums or deer are to be poisoned in areas that are not to be restocked with domestic animals larger pieces of carrot and high levels of “1080” i.e., 2 lb per ton, are indicated, in order that the baits should remain toxic for as long as possible.

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