The metabolism of glucose 6-phosphate by mammalian cerebral cortex in vitro

1. The metabolism of glucose 6-phosphate in rat cerebral-cortex slices in vitro was compared with that of glucose. It was found that a glucose 6-phosphate concentration of 25mm was required to achieve maximal oxygen uptake rates and ATP concentrations, whereas only 2mm-glucose was required. 2. When 25mm-[U-14C]glucose 6-phosphate was used as substrate, the pattern of labelling of metabolites was found to be quantitatively and qualitatively similar to the pattern found with 10mm-[U-14C]glucose, except that incorporation into [14C]lactate was decreased, and significant amounts of [14C]glucose and [14C]mannose phosphate and [14C]fructose phosphate were formed. 3. Unlabelled glucose (10mm) caused a tenfold decrease in the incorporation of 25mm-[U-14C]glucose 6-phosphate into all metabolites except [14C]glucose and [14C]mannose phosphate and [14C]fructose phosphate. In contrast, unlabelled glucose 6-phosphate (25mm) had no effect on the metabolism of 10mm-[U-14C]glucose other than to increase markedly the incorporation into, and amount of, [14C]lactate, the specific radioactivity of this compound remaining approximately the same. 4. The effect of glucose 6-phosphate in increasing lactate formation from glucose was found to occur also with a number of other phosphate esters and with inorganic phosphate. Further investigation indicated that the effect was probably due to binding of medium calcium by the phosphate moiety, thereby de-inhibiting glucose uptake. 5. Incubations carried out in a high-phosphate high-potassium medium gave a pattern of metabolism similar to that found when slices were subjected to depolarizing conditions. Tris-buffered medium gave similar results to bicarbonate-buffered saline, except that it allowed much less lactate formation from glucose. 6. Part of the glucose formed from glucose 6-phosphate was extracellular and was produced at a rate of 12μmol/h per g of tissue in Krebs tris medium when glycolysis was blocked. The amount formed was much less when 25mm-Pi or 26mm-HCO3- was present, the latter being in the absence of tris. 7. Glucose 6-phosphate also gave rise to an intracellular glucose pool, whereas no intracellular glucose was detectable when glucose was the substrate.