Elastic electron-deuteron scattering at high energy

Relativistic formulas for the deuteron electromagnetic form factors are calculated in the impulse approximation retaining terms to all orders in Q2M2(vc)2. The formulas are given as double integrals over the deuteron wave functions in momentum space, and hence can be evaluated for any deuteron model. We evaluate these formulas numerically for 9 different deuteron models: Reid soft core, two Lomon-Feshbach models, three Holinde-Machleidt models, and three four-component relativistic models. All of the models give results for the A structure function considerably below the experimental results; the effect of the relativistic treatment is to reduce the size of A by a factor of 2 to 5 at Q2 of 100 fm2 over what it would be in the nonrelativistic approximation. We discuss briefly the role of exchange currents; the pair terms are included in our calculation in a completely consistent manner, but the explicit ρπγ contributions need to be calculated relativistically. We discuss in some detail the sensitivity of our calculation to the almost unknown neutron electric form factor, observing that a GEn roughly twice GEp in the region of Q2=100 fm2 would enable us to fit the data even without any ρπγ contributions. We discuss the high Q2 limits of our formulas, obtaining the result that the form factor falls one power of Q2 faster than that predicted by the dimensional-scaling-quark model. We also study the low Q2 limits and give explicit formulas for the corrections to the deuteron magnetic and quadrupole moments.