The Euglenoid Flagellates

A discussion of the general biology of the euglenoids and a citation of references to a scattered literature where the detailed information can be obtained. Since the euglenoids consist of both green and colorless flagellates, absence of any clear line of demarcation makes it inadvisable to assort the organisms among plant and animal kingdoms. Some of the subjects discussed in the paper are as follows: 1. Ecology:[long dash]Occurrence, distribution, and physical requirements. 2. Morphology:[long dash]Cell exterior; gullet, reservoir and contractile vacuoles; pharyngeal rod apparatus and ingestion; flagella and flagellar movement; chloroplasts, pyrenoids and paramylum; cytoplasmic inclusions; mitochondria; vacuome and Golgi material; nuclear structure and mitosis. 3. Physiology:[long dash]Life history; reproduction, cysts, and palmella stages; sexual phenomena; nutrition; respiration; motor responses; parasites, and immunity reactions; population studies. 4. Taxonomy:[long dash]families; phylogeny.

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