After a short summary of the theory of double focusing a mass spectrograph which works as an "achromatic lens" for all masses is described in some detail. It is found to work according to the theoretical expectations. The differences of "packing fraction" (i.e., ΔMM×104) of doublets containing the rare isotopes N15 and O18 have been determined. It is found that for the doublet at mass number 15 (C12 H31N15): ΔMM×104=15.86±0.05, ΔM=0.02382 and for the 18-doublet (O16 H21O18): ΔMM×104=6.98±0.10, ΔM=0.01257. With Aston's masses of C12 and H1 the isotopic weights referred to O16 = 16 are: N15 = 15.0040±0.0008 and O18 = 18.0037±0.0007. The measurement of N15 gives the rare chance to compare the energy release of a nuclear reaction viz.: N14+H2=N15+H1 with its value derived entirely by massspectrographic determinations.

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