The self-diffusivity of Cd in CdS, D(Cd), has been measured by a radiotracer technique between 500 and 850 degrees C at the minimum total pressure (pCdmin) and saturated Cd pressure (pCdsat) and also as a function of pCd at 675, 750 and 850 degrees C. Above 700 degrees C D(Cd, pCdsat)=(0.058/sub //*1.44)exp(-(1.85+or-0.03) eV/kT) cm2 s-1 and D(Cd, pCdmin)=(1.53/sub //*3.17) exp(-(2.47+or-0.11)eV/kT) cm2 s-1, whereas below 700 degrees C D(Cd,pCdsat)=(672/sub //*16.3) exp(-(2.67+or-0.22) eV/kT) cm2 s-1 and D(Cd, pCdmin)=(7.6+or-2.8)*10-14 cm2 s-1. Above 700 degrees C the results are satisfactorily explained in terms of a Cdi.. or a doubly ionised Cdi-related donor and a (Cdix Cdi.)pair or a Cds defect diffusion mechanism. Below 700 degrees C the situation is much less clear although there are indications of a VCd or VCd-related mechanism.

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