Response of the Distal Tubule and Cortical Collecting Duct to Vasopressin in the Rat

Renal micropuncture observations in the rat suggest that the entire "distal tubule" (defined by the micropuncturist as that portion of the renal tubule extending between the macula densa and its first junction with another (renal tubule) may be responsive to vasopressin. However, this portion of the renal tubule contains two segments that are morphologically dissimilar. The "early" distal tubule is lined by epithelium characteristic of the distal convoluted tubule, while the "late" distal tubule is lined by epithelium characteristic of the cortical collecting duct. Thus, the present study was initiated to identify the most proximal site of action of vasopressin in the distal renal tubule. A water diuresis was established in rats with hereditary hypothalamic diabetes insipidus. In one-half of the animals the diuresis was interupted by an i.v. infusion of exogenous vasopressin. Morphological preservation of the kidneys was initiated after induction of vasopressin-induced antidiuresis or during maximum water diuresis. Cell swelling and dilatation of intercellular spaces, morphological findings indicative of vasopressin responsiveness, were observed in the cortical collecting duct including the late segment of the distal tubule, a segment that has also been described by morphologists as the initial collecting tubule. Morphological evidence of vasopressin-responsiveness was not observed in the early distal tubule (distal convoluted tubule). Additional morphological studies in Wistar, Long-Evans, and Sprague-Dawley rats demonstrated a marked difference in the random availability of distal convoluted tubules versus initial collecting tubules potentially available for micropuncture just beneath the renal capsule. The results suggest that hypotonic tubular fluid entering the early distal tubule (distal convoluted tubule) remains hypotonic to plasma until it enters the late distal tubule (initial collecting tubule) and that vasopressin-induced osmotic equilibration is a function of the latter segment alone. The findings emphasize the importance of morphological characterization of those segments of the renal tubule that are subjected to physiological investigation.