Hybrid modular sensor systems: a new generation of electronic noses

We present a new very flexible design of a sensor system for gas and odor analysis, which may easily be optimized for specific applications. The core part contains a digital bus system that connects individual sensor modules with a central processor. By using dedicated microcontrollers onboard the modules it is possible to use any kind of transduction principles ("hybrld system"), with typical numbers of individual sensor elements for each transducer in the order of 8. The measured sensor parameters are transmitted via a standard protocol on the digital bus system. Hence all types of modules are interchangeable. This allows an easy adaption of new technologies to new applications. The specifications of the interface are available to developers and researchers, thus offering them the possibility to introduce their own specific technologies for certain applications. The system allows combination of self-made sensors with commercial ones and testing of a growing range of other sensor technologies. It can thus be used as a benchmarking tool.