In a field experiment on a solodic soil, applications of superphosphate, in the presence of molybdenum, increased the dry matter yield of S. humilis H.B.K. from 2,450 to 5,800 lb an acre, and increased the relative nitrogen content from 2.36 to 3.28 per cent. When this result was examined under more closely controlled conditions in a pot experiment, using the constituent elements of molybdenized superphosphate, it was found that the combination of phosphorus and sulphur produced the greatest dry weight and nitrogen responses. Nevertheless, substantial increases in dry weight of plant tops were obtained with added phosphorus in the absence of sulphur, although the relative nitrogen content of this dry matter was low unless sulphur was also present. There was a small response to molybdenum in this experiment, but calcium played only a minor role. In the pot experiment three replicates were placed in a glasshouse, and one under a light bank in a growth room. Plants grew faster and gave higher dry matter and nitrogen yields under the light bank than in the glasshouse. Attention is drawn to the adaptability that S. humilis displays to a wide range of nutritional conditions, and it is suggested that both the yield and nitrogen content of this legume are probably being limited by nutrient deficiency in most areas of northern Australia where it is being grown.