Conformations of the Pyranoid Sugars. I. Classification of Conformers.

An improved system is presented for indicating the principal conformations of pyranoid sugars and derivatives, by attaching two symbols to the systematic name. The first symbol shows the kind of pyranoid ring; for example, B = a boat, C = the chair, and S = a skew form. (The three boat and six skew rings are distinguished by subscript numerals referring to exoplanar ring-atoms.) The second symbol differentiates between two conformations that have the same type of ring, by describing as A or E the axial or equatorial character of the reference group at a selected ring-atom. If the anomeric group is not quasi, the α anomeric group is used as the reference group. For sugars and derivatives having a quasi anomeric group, and for relatives lacking an anomeric group, the A or E classification is based on the reference group at the lowest numbered, nonquasi, asymmetric ring-atom.