Measurement of Molecular Stopping Cross Sections of Halogen-Carbon Compounds and Calculation of Atomic Stopping Cross Sections of Halogens

Molecular stopping cross sections εα of α particles of energy 0.3-2.0 MeV have been measured (probable error 0.9-2.1%) in gaseous (or vapor) CF4, C2 F6, C3 F8, C4 F8, CCl4, CClF3, CCl2 F2, CHCl2F, CBrF3, C2 Br2 F4, C2 H3Br, C2 H5Br, and C2 H5I. Atomic stopping cross sections for F, Cl, Br, and I have been calculated (probable error 2.3-4.4%) by application of the Bragg additive rule. It is found that carbon ε(C) calculated from gaseous fluorocarbons agrees with previous measurements by Chu and Powers of ε(C) for carbon in solid form but disagrees with ε(C) calculated from gaseous hydrocarbons by Bourland, Chu, and Powers. Consistent results are found by using either of two alternatives: (i) Use hydrocarbon gas ε(C) and experimental εexpt (H2) in hydrogen-enriched C-H-Br or C-H-I compounds, and use solid carbon ε(C) everywhere else; or (ii) use solid carbon ε(C) in all compounds, but use an ε¯ (H) which disagrees by as much as 21% from 12εexpt (H2). A plot of εα vs the atomic number Z2 of the stopping medium shows that the halogen measurements at Z2=9, 17, 35, and 53 agree well with the existing theory and other experimental measurements for neighboring Z2 values.