Characterization of colchicine-binding activity in Dictyostelium discoideum

A colchicine-binding component was detected in vegetative amoebae of Dictyostelium discoideum by using a Millipore-filter assay. The colchicine-binding activity is temperature-and time-dependent, maximum binding occurring at 22-35 degrees C after 60 min incubation. Further increases in temperature are without effect on the extent of binding, but bound colchicine is released with increased time of incubation. Furthermore, colchicine-binding activity itself decreased in the high-speed supernatant from D. discoideum, with half the activity being lost in approx. 2.5h. Several lines of evidence, including the saturation kinetics of colchicine binding, enhancement of colchicine binding by tartrate, insensitivity to lumicolchicine, precipitation of the binding protein by vinblastine and behaviour of the binding protein on DEAE-cellulose and Sephadex resins, suggest that the colchicine-binding protein may be tubulin.