The Oklahoma State Department of Health Mobile Multiphasic Screening Program for Chronic Disease. II.

The Oklahoma State Department of Health Mobile Multiphasic Screening Program for Chronic Diseases, first organized in 1959 for health education, case finding, and research, screened approximately 27,000 people In 10 counties during 1960-1962. Public response was good with nearly 1/4 of all people 35-64 years of age in the counties participating In the screening program. Seventeen per cent of the screenees claimed to have known disease. Twenty-one per cent were referred to their private physician for further evaluation of a newly detected abnormality. Screening tests used In 1960-1962 were: height, weight, blood pressure, hemoglobin blood sugar, chest X-ray, tuberculin skin test, and cervical cytology. Many people were referred to their physicians for more than one abnormal finding. Referrals Increased with age, with over half of all screenees over 85 years of age referred.