Mean Radiative Lifetime of Vibrationally Excited (υ = 9) Hydroxyl. Rate of the Reaction of Vibrationally Excited Hydroxyl (υ = 9) with Ozone

The mean radiative lifetime of vibrationally excited (υ = 9) ground‐state hydroxyl was measured in a fast‐flow system. Excited hydroxyl was generated by reaction of H with O3 at the entrance of a flow tube, and the decay of 2.15‐μ radiation from the OH (9–7) band was measured down the tube. After correcting the decay rate for wall quenching and reaction with ozone, the lifetime was found to be (6.4 ± 1.4) × 10−2 sec. The effect of ozone concentration on the decay rate yielded a rate constant of (7.7 ± 0.3) × 10−12 cm3 molecule−1·sec−1 for the reaction of OH (υ = 9) with O3.