Muffin-tin model of a liquid metal: Electronic density of states in a modified quasicrystalline approximation

In the muffin-tin model of a liquid metal, the individual scattering centers are represented by nonoverlapping, spherically symmetric atomic potentials. Given a specific configuration of the scatterers, it can be shown that the atomic potentials enter the calculation of the density of states ρ(E) only through the atomic phase shifts δl(E). The quantities of physical interest, however, are given by an average over all possible configurations and are usually evaluated in terms of a single site decoupling of the multiple-scattering series. Once such an approximation is made, it is no longer clear that the mean density of states ρ(E) can be expressed in terms of just the quantities δl(E). [Physically, the decoupling may introduce a spurious overlap of the potentials and the evaluation of ρ(E) would then require the off-shell matrix elements of the atomic-scattering operators.] In particular, the familiar quasicrystalline approximation (QCA) is shown to exhibit this deficiency. We suggest a modified QCA which overcomes this deficiency by providing a more realistic description of the atomic correlations. The applicability of our method is illustrated by calculations based on a one-dimensional model. We also discuss the qualitative behavior of the quasiparticle spectrum of a realistic three-dimensional transition- or noble-metal liquid.