A large heavy-particle magnetic spectrometer was used to study the proton and deuteron groups from the deuteron bombardment of a thin aluminum foil. Charged particles emitted at 90 degrees with respect to the the incident deuteron beam were analyzed by momentum in an annular-shaped magnetic field. Groups of protons and deuterons correspond to excited states in A128 and A127, respectively. Fifteen groups of protons from the reaction Al27(d,p)Al28 were observed. Their Q values were 5.53, 4.49, 3.95, 3.36, 3.01, 2.06, 1.55, 0.70, 0.37, -0.27, -0.60, -0.84, -1.37, -1.86, and -2.98 Mev. The elastically scattered deuterons and five groups of inelastically scatered deuterons were also observed. Their Q values were 0, -0.97, -2.39, -3.17, -4.74, and -5.76 Mev.