A model is proposed which makes it possible to estimate the intracellular turgor pressure potential, intracellular osmotic plus matric potential, and intra- and extracellular soIution fractions of water in leaf tissue at any water content. The model requires only the data normally collected with a thermocouple psychrometer: total water potential of live and dead (cells ruptured) tissue at various known water contents. The major assumptions are that (1) the total potential of water in the solution fraction in any part of the tissue multiplied by the volume of water is constant; (2) extracellular water experiences no pressure potential; (3) matrix-bound water is held only by matric forces and contains no solute; (4) the solution fraction of the intracellular water is constant at high water content; and (5) matrix-bound water content is constant over the range of leaf water contents normally examined. The models developed to deal with pressure bomb data are examined critically and doubts are cast on the validity of some of their assumptions.