Diabetes insipidus associated with oligosyndactyly in the mouse

1. A mild diabetes insipidus is associated with the oligosyndactyly caused by the dominant gene Os. No recombinants were observed between the diabetes and the oligosyndactyly so the diabetes is probably a pleiotropic effect of the Os gene.2. There are one or more modifying genes which in combination with Os enhance the manifestation and cause a severe diabetes insipidus. This affects both sexes and becomes progressively worse in older animals, the average water intake reaching 50–60 ml. per 24 hours, or 1·7 times the body weight.3. The modifying gene or genes, in the absence of the Os gene, themselves produce a mild diabetes insipidus, which becomes severe in some old females.4. The severe diabetes insipidus associated with Os and the modifying genes together is probably renal in origin.