Four valleys, recently studied by other workers, were examined along the eastern Sierra Nevada to refine relative-dating techniques. A variety of weathering parameters and soil properties fail to delineate more than two major post-Sherwin Pleistocene glaciations. We correlate these two glaciations with the Tahoe and Tioga Glaciations. Type Mono Basin Till, usually considered to be pre-Tahoe, exhibits the following weathering similarities with Tahoe Till, if both are under sagebrush: (1) grusification of subsurface granitic boulders; (2) degree of pitting, mineral relief, and rind development on surface granitic boulders; and (3) very slight clay increase in the B horizon. Type Casa Diablo Till also has weathering characteristics similar to Tahoe Till, except a slightly more developed Bt horizon is present. Hence, dates on basalt of 0.126 ± 0.025 and 0.062 ± 0.013 my Casa Diablo Till also has weathering characteristics similar to Tahoe Till, except a slightly more developed Bt horizon is present. Hence, dates on basalt of 0.126 ± 0.025 and 0.062 ± 0.013 my (Bailey et al. 1976), which bracket type Casa Diablo, may provide age control on the Tahoe glaciation. In addition, we are unable to demonstrate that the Tenaya is a separate glaciation. In three of the four valleys studied our weathering data for Tenaya Till are equivalent with those for Tioga Till, but with those for Tahoe Till in the fourth valley. We were not satisfied with our ability to differentiate the Casa Diablo, Mono Basin, and Tenaya as separate glaciations even though data were collected in the type areas for two of these deposits. Reasons for suggesting a change back to a two-fold Tahoe-Tioga glacial sequence, rather than the present five-fold sequence, are that we have measured a greater number of parameters than has been done previously, soils were submitted to detailed laboratory analyses, and surface weathering features were studied under consistent present vegetation cover to avoid possible problems induced by ancient forest fires. Nevertheless our relative-dating scheme does not rule out the possibility of a more detailed glacial sequence.