Failure of ACTH or Cortisone to Suppress Tuberculin Skin Reactions in Tuberculous Guinea Pigs.

15 albino guinea pigs with negative tuberculin skin reactions were inoculated with virulent human tubercle bacilli (H37 Rv). 1 month after infection the animals were divided into 3 groups: 1 group was given ACTH, another was given cortisone, and the 3d group served as control. After 4 days of hormone admn., tuberculin skin tests were repeated and the reactions found to be positive in all animals. The reactions appeared less marked in the treated animals than in the controls. Autopsies performed on all animals revealed widespread active tuberculous infection. The occurrence of positive tuberculin skin reactions in all guinea pigs receiving ACTH or cortisone might be related to the presence of active tuberculous infection in these animals. It is thought that ACTH or cortisone does not interfere primarily with the immune mechanism of the tuberculin skin reaction, but decreases the associated acute inflammatory process.