Velocity-Correlation Functions in Two and Three Dimensions: Low Density

The long-time behavior of velocity-correlation functions ρ(d)(t) characteristic for self-diffusion, viscosity, and heat conductivity is calculated for a gas of hard disks or hard spheres on the basis of the kinetic theory of dense gases. In d dimensions one finds that ρ(d)(t), after an initial exponential decay for a few mean free times t0, exhibits for times up to at least 40t0 a decay α(d)(ρ)(t0t)d2, where α(d) is of the order of ρd1, ρ=nad with n the number density, and a the hard-disk or hard-sphere diameter. The α(d)(ρ) are determined by the same dynamical events that are responsible for the divergences in the virial expansion of the transport coefficients. In this paper the α(d)(ρ) are calculated to lowest order in ρ. In this order, they are identical to the low-density limit of the α(d)(ρ) that have been obtained by other authors on the basis of hydrodynamical considerations.