Since the days of Virchow a group of diseases which primarily affect the skin and its appendages have been designated as mycoses. The etiologic factor in these disorders seems to be plant agencies, particularly fungi. Thrush is one of these diseases and plays a principal rôle in the mycotic disorders of childhood. It differs from other fungoid infections in that, in addition to the skin, the mucous membrane and some of the internal organs may be affected. Contrary to general opinion, thrush is not caused by only one species of fungus, the so-called thrush fungus or Oidium albicans (Robin). According to Castellani1 it may be caused by a number of different fungi, some of which are botanically far apart from one another, belonging to separate species, genera and families. The fungi belong to the large group of thallophytes, plant organisms that are without chlorophyll, that do not assimilate carbon dioxide