In my “Revision of the Genus Stilesia” I had to leave several points in the anatomy of Stilesia globipunctata (Riv.) undecided, as the material I had of the worm was too macerated to allow of any definite conclusions. At the same time I pointed out, that the topography of the male canals as described by Stiles and Hassall disagreed with the conditions obtaining in Stilesia hepatica Wolffhügel, in other respects a very closely related species. The necessity for a re-examination of Stilesia globipunctata (Riv.) in order to decide whether the differences really exist, or whether they were supposed to do so, on account of the material examined by Stiles being rather macerated (loc. cit. p. 74), was all the greater as Stilesia globipunctata (Riv.) is the type species of the genus Stilesia. Through the kindness of Mr Littlewood, Chief Inspector of the Veterinary Department, I was able to obtain living examples of Stilesia globipunctata (Riv.) at the Cairo abattoir on Jan. 27, 1912. These worms have been fixed with Zeuker's solution, hardened and cut.