Comparative study of nuclear binding sites for oestradiol in rat testicular and uterine tissue. Determination of low amounts of specific binding sites by an [3H] oestradiol-exchange method

1. An [3H]oestradiol-exchange method was developed for the determination of oestradiol-receptor complexes in the nuclear fraction of immature rat testicular tissue. This method permits the determination of nuclear oestradiol-receptor sites in the presence of a relatively large amount of non-specific oestradiol binding present in testicular nuclei. After incubation of nuclei for 60min at 20 degrees C in the presence of [3H]oestradiol with or without a 1000-fold excess of non-radioactive diethylstilboestrol, specific binding can be determined quantitatively in the KCl-extractabe fraction, which contains 40% of the total receptor population. 2. The amount of receptor-bound steroid present in the 0.4m-KCl extract of testicular neclei remained constant during incubation at 20 degrees C. For uterine nuclei incubated with [3H]oestradiol at 37 degrees C a shift of specifically bound [3H]oestradiol occurred from the KCl-soluble fraction to the KCl-insoluble fraction. 3. In intact rat testis, about 20% of the total receptor concentration was present in its nuclear form. Hypophysectomy 5 days before measurement resulted in a twofold decrease in the amount of receptor, which was present mainly in the cytosol. After injection of choriogonadotropin to intact animals, the total receptor concentration increased threefold. 4. This nuclear exchange method might be useful for determination of occupied specific receptor sites in tissues with relatively low contents of specific receptors.